
Meat-free Monday, making Monday manageable

Meat-free Monday is an easy way to start a sustainable eating habit and become more familiar with plant-based eating and cooking. Research shows that individuals who participate in Meat-free Monday eat more fruits, vegetables, and plant-based meals throughout the week, further benefiting the environment and personal health. As more people around the world begin to embrace a Meat-free Monday diet, these small, incremental lifestyle changes will continue to play an increasingly profound role in protecting the health of our global environment and securing a livable future for us all.

Executive Chef Steve Groves has created a new range of delicious vegetarian hospitality menus perfect for soirées, Executive dinners and personal celebrations including Glazed aubergine with grilled baby lettuce 🥬, Cherry tomato, goats cheese mouse and lovage plus Vichyssoise. Check out our range of meatfree Monday dishes at one of our restaurants.

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